Here it is: All
Saints Sunday, and one of the things I love about this day is that it is
all about ordinary miracles.
All Saints
Day is not a day to remember and celebrate famous people who have done great
things, but it is a day to remember and give thanks for the ordinary miracles –
the ordinary saints – in our lives. Some of
them we will name here in a little while.
Some of them we will name in the silence of our hearts. Some of
them are well known to our whole congregation.
Some of them are only known to a few of us. They are
ordinary people, but they were washed in the waters of baptism, and the light
shines of Christ shines in them. Their names
are Don and Jan, Jean and Jim, Grace and Herlanda, Ivar and Emil and Otto and
Marian and Gisela. Some of
them sang in the choir, and some of them worked in the kitchen, and some of
them fought in wars, and some of them took meals on wheels to shut ins. Some
of them were healers, and some of them were teachers, some of and some of them
– like the little girl who told Naaman about the prophet Elisha – some of them
have names known only to a few people, or only to God. Some were
important, like Naaman – but all of them are saints because this ordinary
miracle happened to them – they were washed in the waters of baptism, they were cleansed from sin, they were named children of God, and the light of Jesus shines in
them. Today we remember
them. Ordinary saints. Beloved by God.

who knew
that even though they were not cured, they were healed, because the hope of
Jesus living in them never died.
I am
thinking of so many ordinary miracles.
Including you.
Each one of
Someday we
will all worship around the throne of the lamb in the place where there is no
more death, and no more pain, where the lamb will be the light.
In the meantime, each of us here is a
By some
miracle, Jesus lives in us and Jesus shines through us.
Right here
and now. Alleluia. Thanks be to God. AMEN
Such a great cloud of witnesses! Truly, we are blessed!
Lovely. I forgot to call our church office with the name of my husband's mother for our remembrance on Sunday. But I was pleased to run into an old friend after church when I stopped for groceries. I could tell her that her father had been named in church. She attends elsewhere, so she didn't know. I kinda think that the non liturgical churches also skip the church year stuff.
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