I know I said I wouldn't post, but I've had this in the back of my mind for awhile...
Back in the 1960s, Lutherans broke new ground when they introduced Davey and Goliath. I remember watching this cartoon often when I was a child. According to my extensive research, Davey and Goliath ran from 1960 to 1975.
When I was in seminary, cable TV was beginning to explode. A classmate and I proposed that we again could be on the forefront with Lutheran Cable Network shows. I only remember two of our offerings from that time:
Luther, Katie, Melancthon, various students, friends, children (and of course Tolpel, the dog) amid the tumult of the Reformation and their own busy household. (1 hour)
Grace Alone
A sit-com featuring single mom Grace, who strives to live by reformation principles as she juggles various aspects of her busy life: parenthood, work, and neighbors, with often hilarious results. ( 1/2 hour)
New ideas just recently:
They Ordain Women, Don't They?
A dramedy about a young woman pastor learning the ins and outs of parish life in a small town. Filled with both humor and tragedy, both endearing and comic characters, and slice-of-life situations about a disappearing way of life. (1 hour)
The Altos
Political intrigue, faith and good music collide in this series about an excellent church choir, their lives, their times, and their rehearsals. Some early questions: Should we move the piano? Will we be able to introduce a contemporary worship service? Should we? How about that new choir director? The show will always end with a different choral anthem.
Pulpit Fiction
In the tradition of Rod Serling's Twilight Zone, this series will feature a different story every week, narrated by a famous Lutheran pastor (or is that an oxymoron?), and featuring an ordinary Christian, living in a world where faith saves us, not works, where power is found in humble service, and where forgiveness is the most powerful act. Wait! Perhaps it is the Twilight Zone.
Diet of Worms
A Lutheran Food Show, with both recipes and food ideas, and theological discussions. Among some early programs: 101 Ways with Sauerkraut, The Dark Side of Lutfisk, and a panel discussion on the connection between spicy food and sin.
If I think of any other ideas, I'll expand the post to include them. In the meantime, what are your ideas?
P.S. Coming soon: the environmental meme, the pet meme, Reflections on the Desert, and some recommendations for blogs to visit!
"Should we move the piano?" indeed.
Hee hee...Pulpit Fiction....
have you ever seen the Vicar of Dibley? (PBS)...a little like the small town pastor, only this one takes place in England...it is hilarious.
hope you are feeling better.
And on a serious side, why did we let the other groups get so far ahead of us in the media? Maybe it is because Lutherans do the social service, hospitals, et al. Just saying.
When I was in the hospital, there were few stations on the TV. There was the really conservative Catholic station and the hooping and hollering and dancing Christian station. Such ends of the spectrum!
Now don't forget the Game Shows!!:
Wheel of Salvation
Saved or Not Saved!
Are You Smarter Than a First Year Seminarian?
The Tithe is Right
Name That Scripture!
etc. ad nauseum........
I would like to give Presbyterian Gal a special award for being the only person to make me laugh as hard as you did. These are great.
And, as an ecumenical gesture, you might have the Anglican Hour AKA World Wide Anglican Communion Wrestling Federation where instead of yet another blessed meeting we just let the primates duke it out for global spiritual hegemony. ...Or, maybe you'd want to save that for pay-per-view.
I'm glad you posted this but get back to your vacation now!
The Mountain Dew Davey and Goliath commercial where Dad takes the Mountain Dew and Davey says "We got hosed, Timmy...we got hosed" was unspeakably hilarious.
Diane, these are hilarious! Very, very funny.
Presbyterian Gal - I Love your game shows!
oh, and mompriest, I LOVE Vicar of Dibley, although it is slightly over the top for me. now, back to vacation!
These are great--I needed a good laugh!
Too funny Diane! I think there is a future for you in programming.
Very Clever! Good laughs to top off a good day. Thanks.
HA HA HA HA. That is seriously funny. "Fifteen-Thirty-Something." I laughed out loud and Husband thinks I'm a dork.
This is the funniest post I've read in forever.
Thanks for a great read!!!
What a hoot. BTW, there is a Youtube video clip involving claymation "Diet of Worms" which is a cooking show. You might want to check it out.
There's a bright side of lutfisk? Who knew?
(the non-fish-eating Swede here)
This is funny! Hope your sinuses are better. Here's another meme to add to the list: tag!
Davey and Goliath was a staple in our household. I even had little rubber figure of them - oddly enough, I think I used to include them in my playtime with Gumby and Pokey bendables.
Oh my- this is hilarious. I love it!!! They Ordain Women, Don't They? (not at my place sadly!)
You are too funny, what a great post.
I was a big Davey and Goliath fan as a kid, although at 5 I don't think I understood the religious theme.
Every January(no more due to my employment status!) I would go to a big TV industry convention and two years ago, there was a Davey and Goliath booth.
Robert -- not so strange, because Davey and Gumby were created by the same guy, Art Clokey! Who knew?
I remember this program.Hope you are feeling better soon.
I tagged you in a meme that was pretty hard. Challanging, you could say.
Those are hysterical. May I be an extra on The Altos?
Hope you're feeling better.
Zorra -- you'd be a great extra on the Altos! (are you an alto?)
So funny! I think your next career is in script writing. (Not that you need a new career, but you'll obviously be great at it---guess you'll have to moonlight.)
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