I didn't hear from the vet last night. We could tell Scout was feeling kind of low because she just kept moving from under the dining room table to under the recliner: back and forth, back and forth. Her sore appeared to be getting worse. She did have an appetite, though. And she ate a little grape tomato that dropped on the floor, which I thought was a good sign. Otherwise, she moved kind of slow, like she had arthritis or something.
I've just been cleaning off her sore, so it wouldn't get infected. And waiting to get some advice from the vet.
When we went to bed, she didn't want to come into the bedroom with us at first. Then she tried to get under the bed (too low). When that didn't work, she actually tried to climb up on the bed with us, which she never does. NEVER. She's sixty pounds, for crying out loud. She usually sleeps at the foot of our bed. So I could tell she was miserable.
I pushed her bed right up to ours to help her calm down, and she settled a bit. But I could hear her chewing herself all night. (I didn't sleep very well, either.)
This morning I could see there were new raw spots on her. I washed them off again. No call from the vet. I put a little Benadryl cream on her, because I couldn't think of anything else to do
I had a meeting in the morning. After the meeting ended at 11:30, still no call from the vet. So I called another clinic. This one also uses some holistic practices. They said using the Benadryl for now is ok, and they made an appointment for Friday.
Our own vet had called while I was on the phone. (sigh)
I feel a little sad. This isn't the one who yelled at me. This is another doctor at the same clinic, a woman who has shepherded Scout through her broken leg, the time when she ate a dog bootie (long story), and her long medical history of diarrhea.
I will keep you updated on how Scout is feeling.
I've just been cleaning off her sore, so it wouldn't get infected. And waiting to get some advice from the vet.
When we went to bed, she didn't want to come into the bedroom with us at first. Then she tried to get under the bed (too low). When that didn't work, she actually tried to climb up on the bed with us, which she never does. NEVER. She's sixty pounds, for crying out loud. She usually sleeps at the foot of our bed. So I could tell she was miserable.
I pushed her bed right up to ours to help her calm down, and she settled a bit. But I could hear her chewing herself all night. (I didn't sleep very well, either.)
This morning I could see there were new raw spots on her. I washed them off again. No call from the vet. I put a little Benadryl cream on her, because I couldn't think of anything else to do
I had a meeting in the morning. After the meeting ended at 11:30, still no call from the vet. So I called another clinic. This one also uses some holistic practices. They said using the Benadryl for now is ok, and they made an appointment for Friday.
Our own vet had called while I was on the phone. (sigh)
I feel a little sad. This isn't the one who yelled at me. This is another doctor at the same clinic, a woman who has shepherded Scout through her broken leg, the time when she ate a dog bootie (long story), and her long medical history of diarrhea.
I will keep you updated on how Scout is feeling.
UPDATE: I got my appointment changed from 11:00 tomorrow to 4:30 this afternoon. They had a cancellation!
FURTHER UPDATE: Just returned from very nice vet with (as my husband calls it) the lampshade, a very strong antibiotic and antibiotic spray. We will return in one week. He said it was the worst case of a "hot spot" (lay term) that he had ever seen. Moved very fast from Monday, when it was just a little sore, to Wednesday a.m., when it was alarming. We don't have any idea what caused it, and at this point, it's more important to treat it than figure it out. We will have to watch her carefully for the next few days, but I am really relieved this evening.
Poor Scout and I am sure you guys are stressing. Prayers for healing and comfort for Scout and the humans.
Prayers and purrrayers from here for Scout and her humans, too--we'll be checking for updates.
oh Diane my heart aches for you... and Scout.
Oh, poor Scout, and poor you! Sorry I have been out of touch... won't be back home for a couple of days yet...
Have you tried keeping her from chewing on it by wrapping it? It may not be in a spot that's easily wrapped, but if it is, we've had success treating such "hot spots" with antibiotic cream, gauze, and that bandage material that only sticks to itself (they use it on my arm sometimes after I donate blood, and you can buy a roll of it at the pharmacy).
So sorry for the unexplained malady.... --A
thanks for your prayers and thanks for your suggestions, dogblogger...I'm about ready to try anything
keep us posted
((((diane))) (((scout))))
Hope something brings you both relief real soon!
Oh Diane and Scout
Misty joins me in offering prayers for recovery for you and Scout.
Poor Scout. Let us know.
O my dear Scout
Know that all hounds and doggies are barking on your behalf.
Get well.
So sorry for Scout and for your stress. That has to be so hard. Prayers going up.
It's time to find a new vet.
I confess, I usually have a hard time having any empathy for people who have dogs a kids. I guess this is because the last three dogs weren't good pets. But then I remembered the time my white dog disappeared and how distraught I was until she came home.
So your posting has opened my empathy.
well p.s. -- I would have been where you are at one time. I know that Scout is my "baby", as I never had children of my own. I love my stepsons a lot, respect them a lot, but they are grown up, and they do have a real mom as well. And I would have adopted, but Husband just wasn't up for it, after the two.
So I know that in some way, Scout is my chance to use my maternal instincts.
Diane, my sweet old cat and I will be praying for you and your sweet old Scout.
Sorry to hear this about Scout. We have a dog with several health problems as well, so I know that it is difficult.
Dear Diane, I am sending you and Scout so many prayers right now. I am asking for an assist from my favorite animal loving saint and namesake, Francis, to intercede on Scout's behalf. (I know, Catholics, we're hopeless!!)
Please keep us posted and know you are surrounded by prayers filled with light and healing hope.
Scout, and his people, have my prayers and sympathy. What a tough time!
Diane, prayers for Scout. Poor baby.
Please pray for my daughter's family kitten, Beyoncé - yes, that's her name. She is not doing well after getting spayed. She had to return to the vet after she experienced severe and persistent vomiting.
grandmere mimi, I will pray for the kitty too. they are so precious.
I'm sorry Scout is suffering Diane. I know you are taking the best possible care of her and Ginger and I will be here praying for you all.
Dear Ms. Diane,
Please read this to Scout. Thank you.
Your friend,
Dear Scout,
Me and Lindy are praying for you. Lindy lit a candle for you so a real nice lady named Mary Theotokos can see it and she can pray for you too. I would have lit one too but, you know, the paws. We really want you to get good and strong. I would nuzzle you if I were there and Lindy would give you some gentle pets to help you. Try and feel all the love that all the people and dogs are sending to you. And, don't worry. Remember... THE Guardian cares for us a whole lot, even more than our humans.
I love you,
Just checking back for any update and to show prayerful support for you and Scout Diane!
My heart hurts for you both too. Praying that this vet is a good one, and that Scout is well again soon!
Gentle(((scout))))not to hurt the sore places and many prayers for both of you.
Yay new vet!!! Yay for hope!!!
I bet that Scout is feeling better about things now too.
Still praying.
One of my dogs is "hot spot" prone as well, especially lately...I understand...I hope Scout is doing much better today!
Hot spots are so scary; my brother and I were cat-sitting once as kids, and the cat got a hot spot and I remember how fast it got worse, yikes, we were afraid of something life-threatening. I sure hope Scout feels much better soon, and the Terrors and Toby Wolfhound and I hope all of you get some sleep tonight.
Thanks be to God for your recovery, dear Scout.
Love, Misty.
Here's hoping she heals swiftly. Sending prayers and good thoughts your way and scout too.
Poor Scout! I just saw this. I hope she will feel better over the weekend...hot spots are so frustrating, both for the dog parent and, I am sure, the dog.
Bitter apple (you can get it at any pet store)doesn't stop Amie from licking a spot when she is determined to lick it, but if Scout dislikes the taste, perhaps that would deter her a bit.
I hope healing is quick and complete. August is the worst month for our dog (allergies) and this year, it's extending into September. I'm glad you were able to find a good vet.
Diane, I am just catching up as I have been out of town. Poor Scout! We have been through hot spots with Sam. I hope she is feeling much better!!
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