As a young woman (early 20s) I used to buy Valentine Cards for no one in particular. Well, actually, I was buying Valentine Cards for My Dream Man, who wasn't making an appearance. But I thought, he must be right around the corner. I remember one of the cards I bought said on the front: 'You're not perfect.' and on the inside it said, "... but you're perfect for me." That's what I thought I was looking for: not for the perfect mate, but just perfect "for me."
I had a couple of other cards, too, that I bought, just because I thought they were so clever, even though I didn't have anyone to send them to. But I don't remember the clever sentiments of those any more. Just "....perfect for you."
So, what makes my husband Not Perfect... but perfect for me?
...a love of creativity, I suppose, and music. We both love words, and care about the church. Neither of us is good at dancing, but we both like to swim. He has a pretty good sense of humor, too. He wants me to write, and keeps saying, 'You should put that in your blog." Not perfect, but then neither am I.
What about you? What makes your mate..."perfect for you?" Or if you are single, what are you looking for?
i just knew you'd have something cute for valentines...
hubhc perfect b/c well... you'll have to check my post today i guess.
I've always loved Valentine's Day. It's weird to be in MD while my husband is in TX this Valentine's Day, but he mailed me a card that happened to arrive at lunchtime today. That's pretty nice.
I've been single for 23 years now ... and not looking for anything different. Happy for those of you who have one who's "perfect for you," tho.
Happy Valentine's Day!
I'll be checkin the blog hot cup!
married almost 23 years, engaged on this day - 23 years ago...so. Why did I choose this man to marry? I've asked this of myself a number of times. That and why do I stay married?
Mostly because he is the most generous person I know. Generous of his being. Generous of his self. Generous with his love. I love that he is simple and wants nothing more than family, home, and a steady job. That, and he knows everything. He can tell you why dogs do this or that - or snakes - or well, anything with animals...and he's a good partner in church ministry as well...Ok. more than you wanted to know...
What a wonderful post!
My DH is perfect for me because he's forgiving, funny and light-hearted.And We've been married for almost twenty years, but have been inseparable friends for twenty seven years.
I belive the friendship part is what's priceless...
For me, it is the feeling of comfort and ease, of loving to be together.
Yes, he's not perfect, but perfect for me!
I got a card in the mail from Jan on Valentine's Day. That was a nice surprise!!!
And my husband got me flowers, which were totally unexpected,as I had asked him not to get them. But he did.
He gave me two cards- one cute and funny and the other romantic.
My stepdaughter made me a great card that told me how much she both loves and trusts me,that made me cry.
My man is perfect for me because we just fit together. We seem an unlikely couple but we are well suited. It is hard to explain! We share a sense of humor and we both honor the deep commitment of marriage.... mostly because his first one fell apart, which almost killed him. And for me because I did not marry until 49.
Fran, that's great! how nice of Jan. I am a terrible card-sender. It's all I can do to get one for my husband.
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