What are your three favorite Christmas songs and who sings them?
I have a lot of Christmas songs I'm tired of, and a lot that I really love, so this was really difficult! There's also the difference between the Christmas songs I love to listen to, and those I love to sing. So, without further ado:

1. I'll Be Home For Christmas -- from Bing Crosby's Merry Christmas album. We always trimmed the tree to this album. My dad and I used to sing Silver Bells together as we drove to pick up our Christmas tree (usually about the middle of December, and yes, a real tree). But the last song has taken more meaning for me since learning of the album's release, during World War II, and also since being away from home myself, for three years in Japan.
2. The Rebel Jesus -- from The Chieftains Christmas Album, sung by Jackson Browne. It's not a hymn or a carol, but it has really thought-provoking words. I first heard it on the radio on Christmas day (NPR), as I was driving home to Minnesota from South Dakota. Later on, the Chieftains album became my Christmas Album of the Year, and I was pleased to find this song on it.
3. Joy to the World -- as sung by the congregation, at the very end of the late Christmas eve service. After communion and after the candles and after Silent Night, the lights come back up and everyone is blinded by the light. And we all sing Joy to the World. After coming to this congregation, I have grown to love this hymn even more, because of the way we do it. After communion, the chancel choir lines up in the center aisle of the sanctuary. After the post-communion prayer, and just as the lights come up, the organist begins to play Joy to the World. The choir each has a handbell and they ring them all during the song while we process out. I always cry.
Three favorite foods
1. Lefse, of course. They are a thin Norwegian potato crepe, rolled up with butter, with butter and sugar, with butter and brown sugar. Our family prefers the butter and sugar variety. In fact, the children in our family were responsible, before Christmas eve or day dinners, for rolling up the lefse with the butter and sugar inside.

3. Swedish Meatballs. We've never really known what was in the ones my grandma made. She didn't have a recipe. We get Swedish meatball mix at a local store called Engebretsons.
Three Christmas Secrets
1. After a Christmas morning where a game of Racko mysteriously appeared from Santa to my parents, I spent an extra $10 and bought my parents a box of Fannie Farmer candy, put it under the tree, and wrote: to: (my parents names) from: Santa on it. The next year, my parents bought themselves Christmas stockings and we kids filled them. If mom and dad are reading this, the secret's out!
2. I have never cooked a turkey. My family knows this, and I'm not proud of it. Still waiting for my "first time", but with the responsibilities of Thanksgiving and Christmas services, it's hard to figure out when would be a good time. (and yes, I know, it's not hard.)
3. oh, like Law and Gospel, I have a "missing baby Jesus" story too. One year in South Dakota, I could not find the baby Jesus for the creche. I looked everywhere, and he was nowhere to be found. I found him the next July in the trunk of the car. I had used him for a children's message (now I really forget the theme). Now how he got into the trunk: well, I had a three-point parish and drove to two churches every Sunday. So I had these sermon illustrations in a paper bag, which at some point got put into the trunk.
Ok, I tag FranIAm, Barb at Views from the Road, and Pastor Eric from Heart of a Pastor. Have fun!
Great post! It's fun to learn more about you!
(Thanks for tagging me... I'll have to ponder my answers!)
"Baby Jesus in the trunk"- made me get a wry smile. Reminded me of the beeswax nativity set I once owned but which melted in the trunk-on a summer move from one apartment to another. Not pretty. But I suspect we all have a "communal" Christmas moment in our services like Joy to the World-yours sounds like it would give me tears in my eyes too. Thanks for sharing.
The Rebel Jesus. I forgot about that one. I'll have to add it to my Celtic Christmas playlist which is getting me through all of the papers I have to write.
Can I count this toward the 6 pager I'm supposed to be working on?
you diverse woman you! and the tortellini soup looks wonderful... if only. hubhc is a picky, picky eater. (sigh)
AND seriously god bless you for loving the chieftans... they are awesome.
sure, coach! call it "research"
hot cup, I'd love to send you a little virtual soup.
That is great and you told me all about the lefse when we met in NY!
Wow, am I busy- Jan meme'd me the other day, Mathman and now you.
Good blog material for the week!!!
This was very fun.
I love the kids playing Santa for the parents.
Regarding cooking a turkey: Since a turkey takes up so much room in the oven and it never gets done when you think it should, and it is hard to carve and keep warm at the same time one is trying to finish up all the other foods, etc., I've resorted to making it the previous day, letting it cool enough to carve easily, putting the sliced turkey into zip loc bags, and the, like a miracle, it is ready to be put on a platter and reheated for the BIG dinner.
I've got those pies to make on the big dinner day, so this works well for me!
Thanks for the tag...I am on it.
Also...I am with you on lefse. On internship, the ladies had a lefse making day where they made about 700 pieces of lefse. That was a day that very little work got done :)
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