Monday, October 8, 2007

A Very Short Reader's Poll

Last week I saw the cutest Halloween costume at the Large But Classy Discount Store where I live. Not for me: for my dog.

It's a pumpkin outfit.

Now, I wasn't shopping for Halloween, for my dog or really, anyone. I was shopping for laundry detergent and paper towels and oh, I think, toenail clippers or something. Colored pencils. A plastic waste basket. And those adorable dog Halloween costumes were right there on the end of a row, where everyone could see them.

Generally speaking, my dog doesn't wear clothes. We have two cute bandannas that we occasionally remember to put on. Last year we got a pair of antlers for Halloween that she didn't like very well. And of course, there were the Famous Very Cute Red Sunglasses that she wore for the picture. (We actually just found those sunglasses in the parking lot of the Large But Classy Discount Store.) (Later that day, she ate them.)

And I don't believe in conspicuous consumption for dogs: no expensive, unnecessary accessories or designer dog beds. We're spent a little in dog training and sadly, in vet bills. She doesn't (read: can't) eat a lot of fancy treats, either.

But I Really Wanted To Buy This Halloween Outfit.

I know, it's crazy. I mean, I think she could wear it to Large Pet Store on Halloween. And we could take pictures (something we do love to do). And it is only $8.99.

What do you think?


Unknown said...

Why not? For the pictures would be great!

Carol Howard Merritt said...

Absolutely. The trick-or-treaters will love to see your dog in a pumpkin outfit. If anyone asks, just say you had to do was for the children.

LoieJ said...

sending you, via email, a bunch of doggy costume pictures to make your dog jealous. And if you get this comment twice, sorry, but it seems to have disappeared, hence the repeat.

Jan said...

Cute for a cheap price! Go for it.

Anonymous said...

If she'll wear it, go for it (the story of the sunglasses was great, BTW). Ours won't even keep a bandana on. Maybe it's a guy thing.

leah said...

PumpkinMarigold, my tabbygirl cat mews, "GO FOR IT!" Only $8.99? But then how much will the pics be and how many will you need to buy or want to buy? It would make a great blog post, too.

RevDrKate said...

Maggie the Peke wants to know do they come in petite for Pumpkins with short little legs? Then she is sending me to the website since we have none of those LBCDSs here! Oh by all means go for it!

more cows than people said...

if it would make you happy, why not?

Fran said...

Count me in - I am for it!

If nothing else- good blog fodder.

But I think it will be way more than that!

Diane M. Roth said...

well Maggie the Peke, they do come in small...

Lori said...

If the pictures turn out really cute, you'll need to put it in the sidebar with the sunglasses picture!

($ can you not?)

Monika @ Lovely Bookshelf said...

hahahaha I wanna see pictures, and it's only 8.99?!?!?! Go for it!

Lindy said...

She is your dog, after all.

Lindy hasn't gotten my Halloween outfit YET but I know she's going to get around to it soon. She is feeling very proud of me today so I am hoping for a real Archbishop of Canterbury suit this year.



Di said...

Being a Very Short Reader, I knew I had to comment:

Go for it. I'm not wild about conspicuous dog consumption, either, but it sounds like this costume really makes you do a little dance. And that's the rule of shopping: if you can afford it, and it makes you do a little dance, buy it. Otherwise, it's a waste of money, whether it's $7 or $70.

Diane M. Roth said...

hope it's still available folks!

kim-d said...

I'm late, but I did want to get my two cents' worth in!

ABSOLUTELY! She is your baby! You would buy your kid a Halloween costume, right? Well, Scout is your kid with fur. Get back to The Discount Store quickly!

June Butler said...

Diane, buy it. And no lingering guilt afterwards, OK?

Terri said...

Oh go for it. Sounds like fun to me!

lauraj said...

I'm probably too late to vote, but mine would be a guilt-free yes as well!

Ann said...

You MUST post an update. I do hope you got it after all the encouragement here. Oh, I'd love pumpkins for my doggies, too!