Mother Laura from over at the "Revgals" asks:
Does everyone remember the old Sunday School song? (I do!)
The B-I-B-L-E,
Oh, that's the book for me.
I take my stand on the Word of God,
The B-I-B-L-E.
I have been working on an expansive language version of the Psalms and the Liturgy of the Hours/Divine Office/Breviary. (For you non-liturgical gals and pals, that's a set of prayers for morning, noon, evening, etc., mostly consisting of Psalms and other biblical texts). So I have been thinking a lot about the Bible recently, and how we encounter it as God's Word--or don't--in our lives, prayer, and ministry. (Great minds think somewhat alike this week, as yesterday's Ask The Matriarch post dealt with ways to help as many people in a community as possible engage with a scriptural text in preparation for Sunday worship). So, in that spirit, I offer my first Friday Five. I'm looking forward to hearing everyone's experience and reflection on these B-I-B-L-E questions:
1. What is your earliest memory of encountering a biblical text?
When we were little, my dad used to read to us out of a little book called The Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes, by Kenneth Taylor. I still remember the little tongues on top of all of the apostles' heads at Pentecost.
My grandmother gave me my first "real" Bible when I was in third grade. It was a Revised Standard Version and had the Twenty-third Psalm printed on the inside front and back covers. I memorized it for her, and she was puzzled because she knew the King James Version, and kept correcting me.
2. What is your favorite biblical translation, and why? (You might have a few for different purposes).
For study, the NRSV.
I enjoy "The Message" for fun.
And we use the CEV with Confirmation students.
3. What is your favorite book of the Bible? Your favorite verse/passage?
"For freedom Christ has set us free..."
and from 2 Corinthians, I have always loved:
"If anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation; the old is gone, the new has come!"
4. Which book of the Bible do you consider, in Luther's famous words about James, to be "an epistle of straw?" Which verse(s) make you want to scream?
Well, the book of Revelation, except for a few passages about the river of life.
Does everyone remember the old Sunday School song? (I do!)
The B-I-B-L-E,
Oh, that's the book for me.
I take my stand on the Word of God,
The B-I-B-L-E.
I have been working on an expansive language version of the Psalms and the Liturgy of the Hours/Divine Office/Breviary. (For you non-liturgical gals and pals, that's a set of prayers for morning, noon, evening, etc., mostly consisting of Psalms and other biblical texts). So I have been thinking a lot about the Bible recently, and how we encounter it as God's Word--or don't--in our lives, prayer, and ministry. (Great minds think somewhat alike this week, as yesterday's Ask The Matriarch post dealt with ways to help as many people in a community as possible engage with a scriptural text in preparation for Sunday worship). So, in that spirit, I offer my first Friday Five. I'm looking forward to hearing everyone's experience and reflection on these B-I-B-L-E questions:
1. What is your earliest memory of encountering a biblical text?
When we were little, my dad used to read to us out of a little book called The Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes, by Kenneth Taylor. I still remember the little tongues on top of all of the apostles' heads at Pentecost.
My grandmother gave me my first "real" Bible when I was in third grade. It was a Revised Standard Version and had the Twenty-third Psalm printed on the inside front and back covers. I memorized it for her, and she was puzzled because she knew the King James Version, and kept correcting me.
2. What is your favorite biblical translation, and why? (You might have a few for different purposes).
For study, the NRSV.
I enjoy "The Message" for fun.
And we use the CEV with Confirmation students.
3. What is your favorite book of the Bible? Your favorite verse/passage?
"For freedom Christ has set us free..."
and from 2 Corinthians, I have always loved:
"If anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation; the old is gone, the new has come!"
4. Which book of the Bible do you consider, in Luther's famous words about James, to be "an epistle of straw?" Which verse(s) make you want to scream?
Well, the book of Revelation, except for a few passages about the river of life.
5. Inclusive language in biblical translation and liturgical proclamation: for, against, or neutral?
Pretty much for, except of course, Jesus WAS a man.
Bonus: Back to the Psalms--which one best speaks the prayer of your heart?
This is hard. But right now, I've been thinking about Psalm 139 -- "O Lord, you have searched me and known me."
Revelation can be challenging...definitely not a light read :)
Oh Diane, I can't help but answer all these questions right here and now! I hope you don't mind me doing this!
I am Catholic as you know... We did not sing that song! LOL! If we had it would have been in Latin at that time anyway!
1. My earliest memory is of the 23rd Psalm, which my mother had on a prayer card. It is still my favorite Psalm. (Although 91 is a very close second.)
2. Jerusalem Bible, which I have written about elsewhere. The linkage provides the story, but the reason I love it is the poetry and flow of the language. It strikes to my heart in such a powerful way.
3. Favorite- well you already know I love Psalm 23! And 91! However,I am a sucker for the following:
Matthew 5- the entire chapter, but you know I loves me some Beatitudes.
Catholic Apocrypha alert! Book of Tobit; it is so beautiful to me.
And one line that I see every time I come to your blog, "For God's anger is but for a moment; God's favor is for a lifetime; Weeping may linger for the night, but joy comes with the morning." --Psalm 30:5 lifted straight from your page
4. What you said! That and a bunch of Levitcus!
5. Completely for! However, you are correct there, a man He was! And what a man indeed.
I like you bonus answer.
Diane, very nice. Thanks. It's nice to be with you about Revelation.
Your favorite psalm is in the lead, I think. Great play.
And franiam, thanks for playing along; love your answers too (though besides the beautiful love poetry in Tobit I always giggle about the goat and the bird poop in the eye...). You can always post answers on your blog and link to it at the RevGals post and you'll get some friendly visits....
i love your favorite verses--and isn't the idea of God truly knowing us extremely comforting? thanks for a great play!
Great play... I love the Ps. 23 story....sometimes when I am reading an unfamiliar version I find myself inwardly saying familiar words... they truly become a part of us!
I offered a course on Revelation on year. It included a video by a famous Biblical scholar, whose name escapes me at the moment. We would watch the 15 minute segment of this scholar unpacking the text and the symbols and then discuss it ourselves. It was very helpful to counteract the "Left Behind" thinking about Revelation. But it remains a book that is very obtuse with the coded language and symbolism lost on us...
good play, diane.
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