Thirteen years ago today I was ordained into Word and Sacrament ministry at my home congregation. My talented, artistic sister designed a card (see left).
Thirteen years. Seems unlucky. I'll have a big celebration at fifteen.
There was a time in my life when it would have been hard to imagine doing the same thing for so many years. I worked in investments for two. Then went to Japan for three. Then worked in insurance for four and a half. Went to seminary for four. Now it seems like I have finally settled down. I even got married.
It's still an adventure, though. Preaching, teaching, being with people at all stages of their faith and doubt, listening to questions, not always having answers, equipping saints and seeing them in action: it's still an adventure.
Of course there is the routine of worship and preaching, the blessed liturgy of weekly visits to the nursing home and to hospitals, the late night meetings deciding what to do about the roof, or the boiler, but in the midst of it, there are the moments of light: the conversation of leaders revealing their own hopes for their congregation; the tight grip of a hand during prayers, the holy moment when teenagers laugh, and cry, and belong to one another. It's still an adventure.
Blessings to you on this anniversary, Diane.
Happy anniversary. The world is more blessed for your answering the call.
yahoo! yippee! hooray! hurrah! congrats... do something good for yourself today since you've done so many good things for others!
PS - love the photo of the squirrel!
Happy, happy ordination anniversary, Diane. I'm glad you embarked on this adventure, and also glad to know you in this blogging world.
Happy Anniversary! It's such a pleasure getting to know you.
Congratulations indeed! And "ditto" what they all said. Blessings on your ministry, today and always.
woohoo! Happy Anniversary!! :-)
Happy Anniversary! What a blessed way to spend the last 13 years. Celebrate!
CONGRATS, Diane! May your ministry bless many, many more for many more adventure-filled years!!!!!
Blessing upon on your anniversary of your ordination.
Congratulations! It's very exciting, isn't it to find a vocation that really calls us in a way nothing else has...?
I just cannot imagine you being anything OTHER than a pastor--and I mean that in the best, most complimentary way possible. I've "known" you over six months now, and my admiration for you and all you do just grows and grows. I love attending the Bible Study that you lead, and I miss it. So, congratulations on the 13th anniversary of what is surely what you were meant to do. In my humble opinion :).
Happy anniversary! God bless you on another 13 years (and more).
I appreciate all your comments. I don't usually celebrate, but I wanted to show off my sister's card.
Congratulations, Diane. Like so many others here, I have SO enjoyed getting to know you in this blogging world. I'm sure you're a great pastor, truly called.
congrats and blessings!
A little late, but blessings and congratulations! And the Jane Kenyon poem in your next entry is wonderful. Thank you!
A little late, but happy anniversary, Diane. My 17th was on Sunday, which is bittersweet, since I'm not serving the church just now. I'm glad you are!
Happy Anniversary.
lj -- you are a good pastor. I hope you are able to serve a church again.
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