Rev HRod writes:
This Fall my family has been energetically watching Top Chef on the Bravo channel. My teenage daughter watches with the dream of some day being a chef. My husband watches because he loves reality shows and I mean, really loves them. Plus the whole competition thing really works for him. Me, I love cooking and good food. Every so often I get an idea from this group of talented young chefs who are competing for big money and honors galore.The winner for this season was Hung. Not the fan favorite, but he won fair and square. In his bio, he says if he were a food "I would be spicy chili - it takes a while to get used to, but once you eat it you always come back for more!" With that in mind, here is this week’s Friday Five.
If you were a food, what would you be?
I think I would probably be something comfortable, like mashed potatoes and meatballs. Except my husband doesn't like mashed potatoes, so how about egg noodles and meatballs? I'd like to be something more exotic, but .... I'm not really that exotic.
What is one of the most memorable meals you ever had? And where?
New in Japan, the pastor and his wife took another young teacher and me to Yokohama for the day, to see the sights. We went to a wonderful Chinese restaurant, where I experienced a real Chinese meal: the pastor did all the ordering for everyone, and the staff kept bringing out round serving bowls full of hot, delicious dishes, which we all shared. I didn't recognize one thing I ate that evening, but loved every bite. And of course later I learned the Japanese saying: "What is heaven? Heaven is 1) an American house, 2) Chinese food, and 3) a Japanese wife."
What is your favorite comfort food from childhood?
We had a certain particular recipe for spaghetti that all of us loved. In fact, if we went out to eat, us kids always obnoxiously whined, "We like Mom's spaghetti better." I'm sure it was the rosemary needles that made it so good. I also remember fondly my grandmother's chicken and egg noodles.
When going to a church potluck, what one recipe from your kitchen is sure to be a hit?
I hardly ever bring anything to a church pot luck, but if I did, I think I would bring the tortellini salad recipe that I got on internship in Denver. I'm partial to salads because I can make them ahead.
What’s the strangest thing you ever willingly ate?
I'm not sure it was willing, but once I ate fried "taco", or, in Japanese, octopus.
Bonus question: What’s your favorite drink to order when looking forward to a great meal?
Alcoholic: a good chardonnay.
Non-alcoholic: Good earth herb tea (has cinnamon in it).
great pic, fun play, and, by the way, the tongan congregation i was pianist for enjoyed octopus with every sunday-after-worship dinner before returning to the sanctuary for testimony time. this was such a fun one, i think everyone could have gone on forever!
I knew someone was gonna say "octopus".
I admire your bravery.
Nice play!
I love that you are comfort food! I think that's one of the reasons I enjoy your blog so much.
Those homecooked recipes just can't be beat. No one has been able to duplicate my grandmother's mac and cheese.
Great story about the memorable meal! Sounds like it was delicious!
Good earth tea! Yes! On ice! I haven't had it since college. Yummy!
Great play! I posted not on the F5 but I am enjoying everyone else's. Can't say I ever had octopus..
I enjoyed this Friday 5. When you mention the strangest food you ever ate willingly I couldn't help but remember when I was little and we were camping. My dad and I caught a couple huge frogs and grilled some frog legs. Kind of tasted like tough chicken...imagine that :)
what a great meal to remember...
Your grandmother's chicken and egg noodles sound yummy.
Good Play.
I'd agree with the Japanese saying, but I'd probably get into trouble...
i could join you for a cup of that tea right now cuz my sermon is going nowhere...
LOL: heaven is....
love good earth tea...
Don't think I could do octopus!
Diane, I liked hearing about your trip to Yokohama. I remember going there from Yokosuka when I was in junior high. I also heard that saying about what every Japanese wants--I remember my dad telling that saying often. It was fun to hear it from someone else!
What a very fun post and just what I needed today. I am wishing I could taste your childhood spaghetti!
I ate octopus in Barcelona, not on this trip, on a prior one. It was served all chopped into pieces and all I could see where little suction cups. I was the guest of someone so now way out.
Drank lots of wine.
Very fun Diane, thank you!
well fran, it's kind of a scandinavian approved spaghetti, but we liked it.
I won't mention the stragnest food I ever unknowingly ate, it might get PETA afterme. Let'sjust say it was in Haiti and roast beef isn't usually on the menu.
Great five!
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