I put on the green stole that a member of my congregation made for me. I have been wearing it for several weeks, but until this week, I had forgotten to mention anything to the members of the church. Today I boasted in the gift.
During the first song, some of the children came forward and played rhythm instruments, while the congregation sang "Lord, Reign In Me." After that, a little girl stood in the center aisle and gave the Call to Worship while her grandmother recorded the moment.
For the children's message, I asked the children if they ever had to learn to do something that was hard. Most of them didn't think that anything was hard for them (well, one little girl learned the meaning of a word that I couldn't even pronounce.) I asked her what the word meant. I'm not sure, but I think she said it meant 'thinking about thinking.' Anyway, they were all scandalized that some of the disciples GAVE UP on following Jesus, because his teaching was too difficult.
"You should never give up," they said.
Then my sermon, and my aching back. Somehow I thought there should be one more paragraph, but somehow the paragraph did not appear.
Then there was singing, and piano and the drum, and the xylorimba, and then we shared Holy Communion.

Just as I was getting ready for the benediction, a woman from the congregation raised her hand, and said, "I need to say something. I have a prayer request." She told us that she had just received a text message from one of her children, and that one of her grandchildren was being taken to the hospital, and that they were afraid. And they would like us to pray.
So we did. Before the benediction, we prayed together. I invited people to come forward and surround her, and a few people came forward to lay hands on her.
And then I noticed something else: so many of the children were coming forward too. They came up to be a part of the prayer. They came up to be ministers of the gospel.
It was a holy moment, and I was in awe. Why did I worry about worship? The Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. With sighs too deep for words. With the hands and feet and voices of children. We are the body of Christ. We are children of God. We pray for one another.
Still I wonder: why did the children come? What made them able to hear the call? Was it because it was a child who needed prayer? Was it because they have been encouraged to participate in other ways? Was it the Holy Spirit, and they could hear better than we do? As one person said to me later, "We are raising them better than ourselves."
All I know is this: the children came. The Holy Spirit showed up. This is church.
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