Easter 6: “The Gift of Purpose”
May the words of my mouth and the meditations of our
hearts be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, Our Rock and our Redeemer. AMEN
What do you want to be when you grow up? … How many heard this question when they were
How many of you had an answer then? A doctor, a fireman, a ballerina… a teacher….
were a lot of answers.
How many of you ended up doing what you said you wanted
to do when you were five?
I know a few people who knew what they wanted to be when
they were five years old … and went out and did it! I know that almost as soon as I knew how to
read and write – I said I wanted to be a writer.
For awhile people encouraged me, but when I got older,
they started to say, well, that’s nice, but what are you going to do for a
What do you want to be when you grow up?
If anyone thinks that this question goes away when you
are 18, or 22, or maybe 25, or when you get married, I asked this question on my facebook page
this week.
What do you want to be when you grow up? I asked. I got some interesting responses.
One of my friends said, simply “Queen.”
Another one said, “A back-up singer.”
Another person said, “A widely read author.”
Another said, “A theatre director for kids.”
Someone else said, “FAMOUS!”
Another said, “ME.
Who I am.”
One person said, “still trying to figure it out.” And another person said, “Not sure yet!” Someone else said, “Grow up! Who wants to do that?”
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Perhaps that’s another way to ask this question: “What am I here for? What’s the purpose of my life? What’s the purpose of our lives?”
In some way or another, that question doesn’t go
When I thought I wanted to be a writer, I was sure that
was going to be the purpose of my life – God put me here to write and tell
stories. At this point it’s likely God has something else in mind.
At first glance, the gospel reading for today is not
about these concerns.
Jesus doesn’t speak directly to the idea of our purpose
in life. He is speaking to his disciples
on the evening before his crucifixion, and he is trying to cram a lot of
teaching in.
So right here, in this passage, he introduces the Holy
Spirit, whom he calls the “Advocate.”
We may know the Holy Spirit by other names, the Comforter,
or the Helper, or the Counselor.
Jesus calls the Holy Spirit the “Spirit of Truth”… who
guides us into all the truth.
So I would think that if you want to know what your
purpose in life is, you would ask the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is the presence of God – up close and
personal – with us every day and also in us.
Every Wednesday morning in chapel we sing a few songs and
then I ask the children a question, “What do we do next?” And they all shout, “Light the candles!”
And when I light the candles, I say, what do the candles
remind us of? And they say “God!”
And sometimes they remember or sometimes I tell them that
the candles remind them that God is here, and that God is with them, and that
God is even in them.
Then we sing, ‘This little light of mine.”
That’s the Holy Spirit.
The nearness of God.
With us, and among us, and in us.
And we often think of this Holy Spirit as a comforting
presence, to re-assure us when life is hard, when terrible things happen, when
it seems like we have no strength left.
The Holy Spirit is called the comforter, after all. The Spirit is the one who is with us always,
even to the end of the ages.
But the Spirit isn’t only a Comforter.
The Spirit gives us strength when we are weak, that’s
sure. But the spirit gives us strength
for the mission of God, for our purpose in life – which is not something we
have to go find out – it is something that is given to us. It’s a gift.
Just like the presence of Jesus, the community of faith,
and our identity in Christ.
It’s true, that God wants us to use our gifts and our
abilities out in the world, and use them for good – for his glory.
But there are a
lot of ways we can do that.
But whatever we do, our purpose is given.
It is not something we have to look for.
Our purpose is to love God and to love others.
It is to shine the
Our purpose is to freely give to others the grace we have
been given, through both our words and our actions.

I loved that you had a pre-school, I loved that you
participated in ministries to homeless families, I loved that you worshipped in
a variety of music styles.
But I always came back to the word: “Grace.”
Grace is the gift and grace is our purpose in life. Whatever we do. Whoever we want to be when we “grow up”.
And while I was thinking and praying, I saw this piece of
art. “We are agents of Grace for one
another” And I asked the artist for a copy and when I came
down here it was the first thing I put in my office. “We are agents of Grace for one
another.” That’s who I want to be when I
grow up, and every day. I want to be an
agent of Grace for other people.
That was a gift.
I didn’t have to figure it out.
But here’s what I do have to figure out, every day: how to do it.
How, exactly, God wants me to do it.
And the Spirit, the Advocate, comes along side us, to
help us to pay attention, to help us to know, every day, where to go, what
action to take, who to reach out to, what to say.
The Spirit comes
alongside us, to enlighten us, to give us the wisdom to know, every day, in
each moment, how we can be an agent of Grace, an agent of his love, an agent of
So it’s important what you decide to be, or do, when you
grow up. God wants us to use the gifts
he has given us.
But the most
important part is not something you have to figure out – it’s something that is
given to you.
Because whether
you are a ballerina or a doctor, or a mother or a teacher, whether you scrub
floors or take temperatures or sit at a computer, whether you hug children or
walk dogs or make quilts, your purpose in life is this: to be an agent of Grace.
To shine the light.
To give glory to God.
I know a congregation who put a mirror in the entry of
the church. And on the mirror were these
words: “How do you reflect God?”
For the people going out into the world, after worship,
that was the thought, that was the question, that was the challenge. “How do you reflect God?”
Because you do, you know.
The only question, every day, every moment, is “How?”
And the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, the spirit of truth
--- will help you – will help us -- answer
that question.
The Holy Spirit
will help us to shine the light of mercy, of grace, of compassion, where it is
needed, when it is needed.
This little light of mine.
Let it shine.
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