Both nights were wildly successful. The first night we had 83 people. The second night was not as large, but we had so many opportunities to get to know each other that evening. Everyone had fun both nights.
We invited them to come to church on Sunday and sing a couple of their Bible songs.
We had no idea what would happen, but we were excited.
On Sunday, only the families that were already members of our congregation came.

Then, on Monday, I talked to our pre-school director. She said something to me that made me think about the word "church". It would have been nice if some of the families had come on Sunday, she said, but "what you did on Tuesday and Thursday night, THAT was church."
I thought about it. What did we do on Tuesday and Thursday? We ate. We prayed. We shared our highs and lows. We blessed each other. We prayed. We had fun. We sang songs about Jesus.
She was right. It was church. We were the church, worshipping together. What made us think it wasn't? It wasn't Sunday morning, and we weren't in the sanctuary, but it was church.
What is church?
I think this is one of the hardest things for us to get our brains around these days. What happens on Sunday in the sanctuary is important, but the sanctuary on Sunday morning is not the only church. Maybe it's not even the most important church. These days.
What is church?
Church is a holy gathering of people, and that was what was happening on Tuesday and Thursday evening, with parents and children and teenagers and grandmothers and grandfathers. We didn't go far, just across the parking lot, but it was church over at the school those nights.
We didn't go far, but it was a start, and I hope we go farther, a holy gathering of people, sharing the light, being the church.