The Hundred Dresses is about Wanda, but it is also about two little girls: Maddie and Peggy. Maddie and Peggy are best friends. Peggy is one who teases Wanda about her hundred dresses. Maddie does not join in but feels guilty because she doesn't stand up for Wanda. In part, she is afraid because she is poor, too. She wears hand-me-down clothes, and she fears that if she says anything, Peggy will begin to tease her as well.
The story is told from Maddie's point of view, and, at least in part, backwards, beginning from the day that Maddie and Peggy first notice that Wanda has not been coming to school. There is something gentle and truthful and simple about the way the story unfolds, the expected cruelties and the unexpected kindness.
In the end we find out that Wanda is not just a poor girl with one faded blue dress. There is more to her than meets the eye, and in the course of the small book her true worth is revealed.
Maddie struggles with knowing what is right and not doing it, with not standing up for Wanda, and later with feeling that she will not have the opportunity to make it right between herself and Wanda, never be able to do something good to make up for her misdeeds, never be able to say she's sorry, because Wanda has moved away and she will never be reconciled. But as it turns out, it is Wanda who makes it right -- in a small, poignant act of grace.
The mystery of each person, the repentant heart, and the free gift of grace -- all these themes are effortlessly present in Eleanor Estes' graceful story.
I loved this story so much as a child, and reading your review brings back poignant memories. Have you ever read the novel Up a Road Slowly by Irene Hunt? It's a much longer work, but there is one episode in it that is very similar to this story. The rest of Hunt's novel is also beautiful and touching. If you haven't read it, I strongly recommend it.
I read this book a loooong time ago and loved it.
Ruth, I have not read Up a Road Slowly. I will have to check that one out. Thanks!
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