Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Little Grace

When I got home from church tonight my husband told me that we had had a visitor about an hour before. She was a young, dark-haired woman, and my husband said she had a dog in her car. She also seemed to know Scout. She asked for "Pastor Roth," but I was at our church's book group, discussing Pillars of the Earth.

She dropped of a gift card for Borders and a nice bouquet of flowers.

The flowers look really nice on our dining room table, and in the middle of the developing pre-refinishing-hardwood-floor mess.

Right now, I can't figure out who the visitor is. It's a mystery, and I can't figure it out. I thought I would look through the church directory, but I forgot to bring one home.

I've been asking a lot of questions, like "Did she wear glasses?" "Was she tall?" I think my husband is tired of me answering questions. I think I need to just let it be.

It's hard though. I can't figure out what prompted this unexpected gift. I want to figure out the mystery.

It's made me think back, though, on gifts I have received, recently and long ago, some large, mostly small.

Three quilts, from the ladies' aids at each of my churches in South Dakota
a quart of fresh raspberries delivered to my door every July.
Deer Sausage, green beans, wild asparagus
a handmade angel
a small Japanese teacup from the town of Hagi
the recipe for Tortellini Soup
three small hand made books given to me by strangers

It's an abundant life, really, if I allow myself to catch a glimpse of it
if I allow myself to open my hands and share it.


Elaine (aka...Purple) said...

It is so fun to be a mystery-gifter. You are so right about having open hands to receive our gifts.

Terri said...

how delightful...generous gifts from a mysterious source.

Barbara B. said...

Very nice!

LoieJ said...

Happy day mystery.

Jennifer said...

Such grace notes, eh?
I, too, have a collection of surprise, no-occasion gifts from congregation members and others.
They provide wonderful memories.
Thanks for the reminder!

Lori said...

How wonderful!

These are the good mysteries.

Hot Cup Lutheran said...

yeah! how beautiful... a little reminder that indeed you are cared for, appreciated, and loved!

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

This makes me want to contemplate gifts that I've received.

Jan said...

Now nice! I wish it had been me, but then I would have stayed around to visit!

Rev SS said...

It's so good to be reminded of the small gifts ... that really aren't small at all! Thanks.

Di McCullough said...

This just made me wag.
-Mrs. M