Friday, September 12, 2008

Friday Five: Back to School

Mother Laura over at Revgals says:

It's time for a Back-To-School Friday Five!

1. Is anyone going back to school, as a student or teacher, at your house? How's it going so far?
My stepson went back to college this fall: this is an occasion for both grieving and rejoicing. We are sad to see him go, but also a little glad. This year he's in an apartment off-campus for the first time. Seems to be going pretty well. Also, my husband goes back to school every year; he teaches college music.

2. Were you glad or sad when back-to-school time came as a kid?
I was glad. The first two months of vacation were heaven, but as August wore on, I got a little bored, so I was looking forward to school by the time September rolled around. On a related note: I remember after college, the first time I did NOT go back to school in September, as I had a full-time job. After so many years, it somehow didn't feel right that I was just going to keep doing this job instead of going back to school!

3. Did your family of origin have any rituals to mark this time of year? How about now?
We went to JCPenney and bought new tennis shoes, pretty much every year. Shopping for school supplies seemed also be a kind of ritual. Right now: I think going to the State Fair is our end of summer/back to school and whatever else ritual.

4. Favorite memories of back-to-school outfits, lunchboxes, etc?
My mom made all of my clothes, so my first pair of jeans (store-bought) was a huge deal. I remember a pair of really stiff jeans I bought just before college. I tried to "distress" them myself, by hurling them against "Old Main." I can't remember if it worked.

5. What was your best year of school?
I don't remember a "best year", although 8th grade was my definite worst.


Mavis said...

State Fair is a great back to school ritual. I remember my first year after graduating I enrolled in a distance course (economics !@#$%) 'cos I couldn't cope with not studying. Didn't last long in it though :-)

RevDrKate said...

Sitting here giggling as I try to imagine you beating you jeans against the building. I remember that first year of not going back to school too and how strange that felt. Still does sometimes.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

My mom made a lot of my clothes too, and I didn't buy my first pair of jeans till I was in college. It's odd because I live in them now.

Elaine (aka...Purple) said...

I think my parents were always glad when we went back to college, not that they did not enjoy having us home...but it was time in their lives to enjoy a bit more "space" in their lives. And, I think it did help us "grow up". None of my siblings were ones that were home every weekend or every other weekend. Guess we all became independent adults.

Jan said...

It's nice to hear that your mom made your clothes, too. That's almost a lost art.

Lori said...

My grandma used to sew clothes for me. They were so well made!

and we used to soak our jeans in vinegar to soften them in jr. and sr. high.

Processing Counselor said...

I remember my first year of working full time after 5 years of playing through college, too. Rude awakening!