Saturday, June 28, 2008

Soundtrack for your weekend

On the way to dog training today, I was listening to the radio, and I heard this program, and a hymn that I had never heard before. The hymn is Come O Thou Traveler, and is based on the story of Jacob wrestling with the angel.

I usually don't post twice on one day, and especially on Saturday, but I wanted to share this with you.

What are your favorite hymns? I've been making a list in my head lately. I know Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, Children of the Heaven Father, and How Firm a Foundation are in the top ten.


Annie's Mom said...

Oh, I have so many... but I think the very favourite is Jerusalem, the Golden.

Lori said...

I always love the old time "Amazing Grace", and I don't remember the name, but it's by Bach I believe and starts "Joyful joyful we adore thee..."

Ivy said...

Presbyterian Gal, "Joyful, joyful..." is Beethoven, I believe, while "Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring" is Bach, but both are beautiful.

There are so many, it's hard to choose, but this morning during communion, a soloist sang Fanny Crosby's "I Love to Tell the Story." I love what she wrote. Another would be "It is Well With My Soul." Peace.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Oh, so many, I'm not sure how to choose. Our parish just asked parishioners to name their favorite hymn, and I couldn't pick just one. It's like choosing a favorite color. I can't. It depends on what I'm feeling at the time.

Here are a collection of favorites: "Amazing Grace," "Be Thou My Vision," "Crown Him with Many Crowns," "Fairest Lord Jesus," "Great Is Thy Faithfulness," "It Is Well With My Soul," "O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus," "When Morning Gilds the Skies," and "Where Charity and Love Prevail."

I'm sure I've left out some I love even more than these.

Fran said...

Amazing Grace far and away number one.

Hosea - I am not sure if this is something Catholic or not. "Come back to me, with your whole, don't let fear keep us apart." I love LOVE it.

Hokey- maybe, but On Eagles Wings.

And the great Gospel classic, Precious Lord, Take My Hand.

Finishing up with a Catholic classic- Ave Maria by Schubert.

Choralgrrl said...

Well, how cool is THAT?

I'm a big fan of "Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service," BTW.


Diane M. Roth said...

choral girl -- I like the 4th verse they put in the new cranberry hymnal.

Paul said...

"Come thou fount of every blessing" (Nettleton - I note hymn tunes as they make a huge difference) and "How firm a foundation (Foundation) are two of my faves also. Perhaps my favorite tune is Abbott's Leigh to which we sang several different texts at St Cuthbert's, including "Lord, you gave the great commission." I am also fond of Slane ("Be thou my vision") and Holy Manna ("All who hunger gather gladly"). St Patrick's Breastplate if you promise to sing ALL the verses so as to include all creation. I like Hyfrydol ("Alleluia, sing to Jesus" or "Love divine, all loves excelling"), and "My song is love unknown" (Love unknown). Then there is Helmsley ("Lo, he comes with clouds descending") but only if you sing it with a very lively tempo - if not it's one more d*mned dirge in church. "Now quit your cares" (Quittez, pasteurs) is a good antidote to self-flagellating Lent. Then there is Salzburg ("At the Lamb's high feast we sing") Also "Christ the victorious" (sung to God save the Czar, I mean, "Russian anthem"). I also love singing XPICTOC BOCKRESE, Christos voskresye, the Easter troparion in Russian, over and over and over for about half an hour at Easter - or XPICTOC ANECTH, Christos anesti, the Greek version. Well, let's face it, I just love singing hymns, which is why I enjoy traditional services and a chance to sing lustily. (Mind you, I love the better contemporary music too, and Gregorian chant sung well.)

Mary Beth said...

So many wonderful things here! Thanks for the link to the radio piece.

I love "Come, O Thou Traveler" and it's in the Episcopal hymnal. I'll be requesting it!