Sally over at the "rev gals" says:
Our Circuit (Methodist) is having a "Gifts and talents day" tomorrow- we have a minister visiting from another circuit who has modified the Myers Briggs personality test and added a few things of his own to run a day where we get to look at ourselves in the light of giftings and of the whole church. The idea is to encourage everyone with the news that there is room for you in the ministry of the church- and perhaps to discover where that ministry might be.....It should be an interesting day, and one where I hope people will leave feeling encouraged and challenged...
So with gifts and talents in mind here is todays Friday 5:
1. Personality tests; love them or hate them?
I find them fun, sometimes. I really enjoyed taking the Myers-Briggs once a long time ago. It helped me to understand why I gravitate to certain things and not others (why I wasn't really enjoying being a secretary, for one thing.) We use a little "gifts inventory" with confirmation students when they are being confirmed, and it's fun! I noticed that everybody likes to learn things about themselves. I do think they can be overused.
2. Would you describe yourself as practical, creative, intellectual or a mixture ?A mixture. I like to think of myself as creative, not as practical as I would like, and a little intellectual. I like to get the "big idea" but I need those more practical types to help me break it down so we can actually get it accomplished!
3. It is said that everyone has their 15 minutes of fame; have you had your yet? If so what was it, if not dream away what would you like it to be?
I suspect that I already had mine, some time when I was in Japan as a missionary for three years. Went around with a couple of other people singing during that time, as well as taught English. I hope not, though, but I would really like to publish a book before I die. Blogging has helped me to think: maybe I just might have an idea or two!
4. If you were given a 2 year sabatical ( oh the dream of it) to create something would it be music, literature, art.....something completely different...share your dream with us
The book... and my dream would be to work collaboratively with my sister, who is a graphic designer. I have a lot of ideas (one would just be about THE DOG) but I'd like to tell and collect stories, too. Also, creative Bible work.
5. Describe a talent you would like to develop, but that seems completely beyond you.
I'd like to learn to play another musical instrument (other than piano). Probably guitar. And I'd like to learn to speak Spanish. I used to speak Japanese pretty well, but I don't know how I'd do learning now. I sure would like to, though.
Bonus question: Back to the church- what does every member ministry mean to you? Is it truly possible to encourage/ implement?
To explain this, I'm going to tell a story.
A few years ago, I attended an event that I never knew existed before. That's what you get for being connected with musicians. It was a Bluegrass music retreat (for lack of a better word) that took place at a local hotel. There were, as you might suspect, concerts going continuously, all weekend. But that wasn't all. And that wasn't what struck me. As my family and I were entering the hotel, we noticed that almost everyone who came, came with an instrument. A guitar, a mandolin, a banjo, everyone had something they were carrying. Along with the concerts, there were a variety of workshops as well, on improvising, on singing, on playing different styles. And all throughout the weekend, little imprompto jam sessions would break out in the hallway. I was impressed, because it was clear that people did not just come to listen. They came to play. That's what I want the church to be. A place where everyone brings their "instrument" -- where we all come to "play".
Your time in Japan sounds really interesting... you should do a post about it!
well played- I do hope that you and your sister get a chance to work on that book!
totally cool - let's be the bluegrass church! And I would sooo read & have to have an autographed copy of the dog book (and if Scout drools on it well he is a dog right?)
Diane--I loved your image of the Bluegrass Convention--and distance from small congregations in South Dakota to missionary work in Japan is sort-of mind boggling. This revgalblogpals circle, which I'm pretty new to is mind-bending sometimes! Thx for visiting this morning
I want to play too!!! :) But my problem is that sometimes I have trouble choosing which instrument. :) And I am totally going to have to get the book on your page (3 cups of tea) to read!!!
great play!
The bluegrass festival is a great image for church - bring your instrument and come to play - metaphorically speaking.
Good play!
Oh so well said.
What an incredibly cool answer to the bonus question. I love that image.
I hope you get to write that book some day!
Hey, I'll come and =cooperate= with you and your graphic designer sister! Speaking Japanese and serving in Japan! Awesome and fame-provoking, too. Hey, in years past I spent so much time sort of learning Spanish, and these days that I'm formally involved in a bilingual ministry, I do almost everything in English. Here in Alta California there are too many native Spanish speakers and I'm cool doing my stuff in English, after all. Thanks for playing!
Love the word picture for bonus question ... right on! And, can't wait to read your book about Scout ... you are a very good story teller!
Where were you when you taught English in Japan? I live in Yokosuka while my dad was the Provost Marshall of the Naval Base there in the 1960's. I only remember a few Japanese phrases, plus (oddly) how to say, "This is a beautiful fish."
Nice post. I love personality tests, especially the Myers-Briggs.
Your bonus question answer is so great. I love the instrument analogy.
And more about Japan, please.
Well played. Love your bonus answer, too.
Wouldn't it be awesome if we all carried our instruments, tuned and ready to play? Thanks for the image and for the visit. I look forward to getting to know you.
wow! your idea of church is wonderful! very inspiring! it would be wonderful!
fabulous play!
Jan -- in case you are back here, I taught English in a town called Kumamoto on the island of Kyushu. Lived in Tokyo for 6 months too, so know Yokosuka a little.
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