Acts 19:1-7/Mark 1:4-11
“Life Survival Kit”
All of the reports of the cold weather all over the
country are bringing me back to my days as a pastor in rural South Dakota – and
the Sunday morning one winter day that one of my parish members handed me a
It was a gift, she said, and this particular gift was
useful – it was a winter survival kit.
I’m from the Midwest, you know, but I had never had a winter survival
So I looked inside to see what was in it.
The box had a flashlight, candles, a bar of Hershey
chocolate, matches, a coffee can, and a roll of toilet paper. I thought it was very interesting. I put it in the trunk of my car.
Truthfully, I did not now what any of it was for, or how
it might help me if I was stranded on the road on a winter day.
For the next few years that winter survival kit stayed in
the trunk of my car. I never used
I didn’t know what it was for. Well, that’s not exactly true. I had a couple of ideas.
I had for example, an idea about the chocolate bar, and I
was pretty sure about what the matches were for. I also thought I knew what the toilet paper
was for – but I was wrong…..
What I didn’t know was that I really had everything I
needed in that box, everything I needed to survive in a blizzard.
But I didn’t know
how to use it.
Everything I needed – maybe we don’t think of it this
way, but when we are baptized we receive everything we need for the life of
faith. We receive the Holy Spirit.
It goes all the way back to John the Baptist in the
He was pretty
clear when he was baptizing people…. “I have baptized you with water… but the
one who is coming after me? HE will
baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”
Not that the water is unimportant – but there is
something more going on when we are baptized – the point is the water AND the
Spirit. And,
you may not remember it, but when we are baptized, no matter what age that is –
whether we are 2 months or 2 years or 20 or 80 – when we are baptized – we also
receive the Holy Spirit.
“Pour out your Holy Spirit on Tori -- or Dennis – or Henry – or Yvonne --we
pray…. The spirit of wisdom and
understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the
fear of the Lord, the spirit of joy in your presence…”
Everything we need.
For the life of faith.
That is what we get when we receive the Holy Spirit. And we receive the Holy Spirit when we are
That’s the way it
is supposed to be.
That’s behind this story from Acts 19 that we read
today. Paul comes across some believers
and asks them if they received the Holy Spirit when they believed.
And they said – they haven’t even heard of the Holy
Spirit. They had only received John’s
So he baptizes them and they do receive the Holy
Spirit. And they receive gifts – strange
gifts it might seem to us, but gifts.
Everything they need for the life of faith.
I can’t help thinking though that even though we have
heard of the Holy Spirit,
that the Spirit’s
gifts to us are sort of like that “Winter Survival Kit” I received – they are
sitting in the equivalent in the trunks of our cars.
Because maybe we don’t have any idea what they are
for. How does the Holy Spirit help us in
the life of faith?
What do we receive
and how do we use it? Maybe we should
ask. Maybe we should be curious, and
take a look and….
Wait a minute… what do I have here? There’s a box here, and it says, “Life
survival kit.” Do you think I should
open it? Let’s see what is inside.
1. The first thing
I’m seeing is a slingshot.
You know what this slingshot reminds me of? It reminds me of that story in the old
Testament about David and Goliath.
And how Goliath was someone to be afraid of, a bully, and
how David was young, and everyone thought it was foolish of him to stand up to
the giant, but he did.
And all he had was this slingshot. He didn’t have a sword, and he didn’t have
any TNT and he didn’t have any nuclear weapons.
All he had was a slingshot. But that’s what the strength of God is
We’re promised the might of God, but it’s not like the
might of the world.
We’re not promised
that God will make us into giants, but that God will give us what we need. A different kind of strength.
Remember also
that David used the slingshot against Goliath, but he also used it to protect
the sheep.
The strength we get from God is to help those who need
protection – the poor and the vulnerable and the weak.
2. What’s this? Here are some ear buds.
One of the things that the Holy Spirit helps us do is
hear God’s voice.
There are a lot of voices in the world, and not all of
them belong to God.
Some of them are telling us to be afraid, and some of us
are telling us to be selfish and some of us are telling us that God is not
But the Holy Spirit helps us to hear and recognize God’s
voice, God’s word, in the Scripture, and in our lives.
The Holy Spirit helps us to hear that God is with us, and
helps us to know what God wants us to do and who wants us to be in the world
right now.
Sometimes God shouts and sometimes God whispers, but God
is always speaking to us….
3. Here’s
something else (big glasses!) The Holy Spirit gives us a way to see what
God is doing in the world – that God really is active in the world. And in our lives.
Sometimes the Holy
Spirit helps us know where to look – because it’s not often we see what God is
doing when we look in the obvious places – the places where the powerful people
are – and where important things happen
– but God is working in small ways and through ordinary
people and we need these new eyes to see it.
Through us!
Through family Promise!
Through the pre-school – and the children –
4. And here’s
something else we receive (a microphone).
This reminds me that one of the things that God gives us is a
God wants us to speak up.
And that can be scary.
But God gives us a voice and will give us courage when we need it – to
speak up –
to speak up with
words of love for our enemies – to speak up with words of mercy for those who
are down
– to speak up for words of truth for the powerful – oh, and I see that there are some bandaids
here too
– because it’s not just about words, right? But actions are important too…
5. There’s one
more thing in here – and it’s a passport.
It has my name on it.
I can carry it with me anywhere, so that if anyone asks me who I am – I
can tell them that I am a child of God. When Jesus was baptized, that’s what
the Holy Spirit told him, and that’s the most important thing – because there
were plenty of people who did not believe him.
But he kept on his mission: loving people and forgiving people and
healing people – anyway.
And that is so important for us as well – to remember who
we are. To remember our mission.
Because there will be plenty of people who will encourage
us to doubt it.
And there will be times when we will doubt it, because of
things that happen to us.
Martin Luther said that when he felt beset by adversity,
he would say to himself, ‘I am baptized!”
A passport reminding us of who we are – and what our mission is.
The Holy Spirit.
Everything we need.
For the life of faith.
Everything we need to – not to survive – but to
live. Wisdom and understanding, counsel
and might, fear of the Lord, joy in your
presence. Joy.