Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Light Shines in the Darkness

I'm working on a sermon today, on Jesus and Nicodemus, the curious man. I found this stained glass window fascinating, and am meditating on it as I prepare.

I'd love your thoughts, today.


Jennifer said...

It's a beautiful image, Diane.
I have tomorrow off from sermon prep, but I'm the liturgist.
Your stained glass image conveys such a lovely, intimate conversation. Nicodemus approached Jesus knowing that something was missing from his life and Jesus received his questions with love.
I think I'd noodle about that for a whole, if I were preaching and enjoy this lesson as one which invites us all to approach Jesus with all of our questions, that we, too, will be received with love.

Elaine (aka...Purple) said...

My immediate response is that this is not a secret, behind the lines meeting. It is relaxed, comfortable, intimate, between two people. I do not sense any tenseness in that art. Thanks for posting this.

Fran said...

It is beautiful and I am praying for the Holy Spirit to infuse you with the words you need for the sermon.

I have no doubt that that will happen!

Marsha said...

My first thought on seeing the image is how comfortable they both seem. Two friends in open conversation, one teaching the other.

My next thought is that I would love to sit next to Jesus in that manner.

The single word that comes to my mind is reassurance.