Wednesday, November 14, 2012

That Moment When...

I had a pile of phone calls to make today, most of them asking people whether they would serve in a particular capacity, or be involved in community ministry.

But a few of them were just checking in.

I had this one piece of paper on my desk, a phone call I had tried to make a few days ago, because the woman's husband ask that I check in.  Her mother had died recently, he said, and she was taking it hard.  I had left a message before, but didn't throw the piece of paper away.  I decided I ought to try to reach her one more time.

It was almost the end of the day.  I dialed the number.  The first thing I heard on the other end of the line:  uncontrollable sobbing.

The woman had just found out, within the last hour, that her daughter had died.

"Who told you to call me?"  she asked.

The Holy Spirit.


Sometimes I don't pay attention.  Sometimes despite myself, I do.

That's all I have to say, tonight.  That's all I have to say.

Except this:  when I arrived at her house, three of her friends from work were also with her, sitting with her, talking a little.  God has many comforters.

That's all I have to say.


Hot Cup Lutheran said...

oh diane - in the midst of taking care of others, doing that which you are called and gifted to do... i hope you find time for self-care as well.

prayers as you journey with this family...
as the community mtg. rolls around...
as maybe you even get the chance to eat turkey and some pie...

John, an unlikely pastor said...

The joy for me as a pastor has often been discovering how many people have gifts of compassion and care. It's a blessing that you were there to meet her friends
peace, John