Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Books, books, books.....

I'm so far behind on the reading challenge for 2008 that I won't even tell you which numbers I'm on so far (though I'll sneak back and check later, probably)....

I have a few more to report on today.

1. Neither Here Nor There, by Bill Bryson. I got it because it had a chapter on Paris, and really, really, enjoyed the whole thing. I've been wanting read I'm a Stranger Here Myself for a long time, but I'm happy I started with this one. He takes a summer and visits a number of great European cities, recalling a similar adventure taken as a college student. Parts of it are, of course, hilarious.

2. I read Sleeping With Bread on the advice of Lutheranchik, and was NOT disappointed. It's a simple spiritual exercise, called the Examen, (after Ignatius of Loyola) and it's explained with such simplicity and depth. Really, only two questions to end your day: For what was I most grateful today? And for what was I least grateful?

3. I've been wanting to read The Double Bind, by Chris Bohjalian, for some time. It's part social commentary, part mystery, party psychology..... and there's this great subtext with some of the characters from The Great Gatsby. Plus, a surprise ending.

4. I found a copy of Edward Eager's book Half Magic at a used book store and re-read it this summer. I remembered the basic premise well; even used it in a sermon once (on the strange healing in Mark where Jesus has to heal the man twice). But I had forgotten a lot of the particulars about the story, so it was fun to re-read. The premise is that four children one summer discover a coin that is "half magic": it takes a while to figure it out, but in order to get a whole wish, they need to wish everything twice.

5. Finally, this may not count, as I'm not quite done, but I'm reading. on Auntie Knicker's suggestion, a wonderful mystery called Murder in the Marais. by Cara Black. I'm really loving it and plan to finish tonight, if I'm up into the wee hours. Murder and political intrigue, and set in Paris. What's not to like?!

I will be back in the a.m., I promise, to add all the links to the books. But I have to get back to my mystery now!

Good night, all.

P.S. I'm tired, but I finished the mystery!

P.S.S. That was #s 11 - 15. I can't believe it is that few.....


Lindy said...

I hope you're curled up with your book... maybe dozing off... but happy.

Fran said...

I never feel like I can keep up with reading as much as I like.

What excellent choices you have made... that Bryson book is a favorite and made me laugh so hard.

I never read that Chris Bojhalian book but have read others and they were excellent.

Oh so many books so little time!

Billie Greenwood said...

Second the motion on Sleeping with Bread. Excellent! That's the only one I'm familiar with on your list. So good that you continue to read.